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Treating Firework-Related Injuries with MobileAid Kits

person holding phone while taking photo of small fireworks pyrotechnics display in driveway at night

Over the last 15 years, firework-related injuries have spiked by 25%. Many of these resulted from non-professionals using fireworks at home or parties. In 2021, almost 12,000 people ended up in the hospital due to fireworks injuries.

Knowing and understanding the risks of personal fireworks usage is imperative. Too many people do not have the proper safety materials on hand to treat severe injuries before medical personnel can arrive.

LifeSecure’s MobileAid kits provide the necessary tools to support and protect people injured in fireworks accidents. The included equipment helps save lives, and if you plan on launching fireworks this summer, ensure you have the safety equipment to protect yourself and your loved ones. 

Treating Firework-Related Injuries with MobileAid Kits

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, 31% of all firework-related injuries involve hands and fingers, with 21% affecting the head, face, and ears. Fireworks can react in unpredictable ways, meaning that any time you use an explosive there is a chance for injury.

This summer, avoid getting caught off guard and learn more about the most common firework-related injuries and how to treat them best while waiting for medical personnel to arrive.

1. Hand Burns

A burned hand or finger is one of the most common injuries from fireworks. Anytime you touch a warm, burning object, you risk serious injury.

In the best-case scenario, a minor burn causes redness and pain. On the other hand, more severe burns cause blisters, white leathery skin, and damage under the skin.

If a firework has not gone off, do not touch it: it is still very hot. You also need to worry about the bacteria and tetanus spores that come in contact with your skin from an exploding firework.

More often than not, though, hand-related firework injuries result from people attempting to light the fuse by either the flame burning too quickly or the lighter not getting out of the way fast enough.

How to treat a hand burn injury from a firework accident

Using the equipment found in LifeSecure’s Mobile First Aid Kit, here are the first five steps towards treating a hand burn injury.

  1. Remove any clothing or jewelry around the burned area to prevent further injury.
  2. Cool the burned area by running it under cool (not cold) water for at least 10 minutes or until the pain subsides.
  3. If the burn is severe, cover the area with a sterile gauze bandage to prevent infection.
  4. Wrap the bandage around the hand and secure it with adhesive tape to protect the wound and keep it clean.

Depending on the severity of the hand burn, it’s important to immediately call 911 or drive the injured party to a hospital.

2. Eye Injuries

Every time a firework is lit, dangerous particles fly through the air and have the opportunity to piece or burn your eyes.

Organized fireworks displays often launch far enough away from crowds to avoid impacting or injuring anyone nearby, but at-home or backyard fireworks do not always have that space.

Corneal abrasions(67%), hyphema, and eyelid injuries are the most common eye injuries. Chemical and thermal burns and retina detachments are also always dangerous. Even the smallest of eye injuries can negatively impact your eyesight.

At the bare minimum, whether you are the one lighting the firework or are standing nearby, it is wise to wear some type of eye protection or stand at least 500 feet away to protect yourself.

How to treat an eye injury from a firework accident

The eye is an incredibly sensitive organ, and even the slightest mistake can cause permanent damage. In the case of an eye emergency, immediately call medical personnel. To help protect the eye while you wait, our MobileAid Kit offers some solutions.

  1. Do not touch or rub the affected eye, as this may cause further damage.
  2. Do not remove any objects, apply ointments, or take medication without speaking with a medical representative first.
  3. Cover the affected eye with a sterile gauze bandage or any clean, dry cloth to protect it from further injury and prevent foreign objects from entering the eye.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention if the eye injury is severe, if there is bleeding or a foreign object in the eye, or if the eye is swollen, painful, or shows signs of infection.

You must seek medical attention immediately for eye injuries caused by fireworks, as they can cause severe damage that may require specialized medical treatment.

By using the MobileAid First Aid Kit and following these steps, you can provide immediate first aid for eye injuries caused by fireworks and potentially prevent permanent damage or loss of vision.

3. Lacerations and Contusions

Around 20% of all fireworks injuries are lacerations and contusions. The speed and force at which a firework is launched into the air can lead to various injuries. Fireworks are filled with small pellets, and if a firework explodes too early or if you’re too close, that increases the chance of a laceration or contusion.

Wear gloves, long sleeves, and pants to protect your skin from cuts, and leave the area as quickly as possible after lighting the firework.

How to treat lacerations or contusions from fireworks

Two immediate goals when treating a laceration or contusion from fireworks are to stop the bleeding and clean the wound to avoid infection. Using the tools in our MobileAid kits, here are five steps to do while waiting for an ambulance or paramedic to arrive.

  1. Use the provided gloves and sterile gauze pads from the MobileAid First Aid Kit to stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound.
  2. Clean the affected area with the provided antiseptic wipes to reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Apply antibiotic ointment to the wound to promote healing and prevent infection.
  4. Cover the wound with a sterile adhesive bandage or wrap it with a sterile gauze bandage to protect it from further injury and to keep it clean.
  5. Elevate the affected area above the level of the heart to reduce swelling and pain.

If the wound is deep, seek medical help immediately.

4. Facial Injuries

Severe firework injuries to the face include broken bones and loss of facial tissue. Be careful that due to the firework blast, you could experience swelling, anatomical distortion, obstruction, and aspiration leading to the closing of your airways.

Never bend with your head over the firework as you light the fuse, and stay a safe distance away at all times to limit opportunities for facial injuries.

How to treat a facial injury from fireworks

You need to immediately call 9-1-1 and get medical help on the way if there is any sort of facial injury. Time is of the essence as these injuries can escalate quickly, and it’s very easy to do more harm than good. While waiting for medical assistance, take these four steps to prevent further injury.

  1. Stop bleeding by applying firm, direct pressure with a clean cloth or sterile gauze pad from the MobileAid First Aid Kit.
  2. Rinse the affected area with cool, clean water for 10 minutes to reduce pain, swelling, and the risk of scarring.
  3. Cover the affected area with a sterile gauze pad or clean, dry cloth to protect it from further injury and prevent foreign objects from entering the wound.
  4. If the injury is severe or has significant swelling, apply an ice pack wrapped in a clean cloth to the affected area for 10-15 minutes, with breaks in between.

5. Amputation

Unfortunately, not all firework injuries end with a scar or a burn mark.  Many severe hand injuries from fireworks cause the loss of a finger or thumb, and these types of injuries are far too common among underage fireworks purchasers. The best way to avoid losing a limb in a firework accident is to leave the displays to the professionals with proper training.

How to treat a lost limb from a firework accident

Treating the loss of a limb due to a firework injury requires immediate and urgent medical attention. If a person has lost a limb or a part of their limb due to a firework injury, here are the steps you can follow while waiting for emergency medical assistance to arrive (we recommend our BleedSTOP Immediate Response Trauma First Aid Kit):

  1. Call 9-1-1 to report the incident and ensure your safety before jumping in to help a victim. 
  2. Approach the victim and identify the source of the bleeding. 
  3. Wear gloves (if available) to protect yourself from blood-borne infections.
  4. Determine if the bleeding is life-threatening.
  5. Apply a tourniquet to a life-threatening injury (see more info below about applying a tourniquet).
  6. Keep the victim calm at all times.

Stay Safe this Summer with LifeSecure’s MobileAid Kits

Whether launching fireworks or hosting a barbecue, be prepared this summer with LifeSecure’s MobileAid and BleedSTOP first aid kits. While waiting for medical personnel to arrive, ensure you have the tools necessary to save lives.

For more information, or if you have questions about which MobileAid Kit is best for you and your family, please contact one of our safety experts, who can help guide you to the right products.

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David Scott
David Scott
David co-founded LifeSecure in 2005, just a few months before Hurricane Katrina taught everyone that one can go hungry and thirsty in America and even die before help arrives. For over a decade David has focused on developing and discovering superior emergency and disaster survival solutions - kits and supplies. He has trained community groups in emergency preparedness, helped non-profit organizations prepare emergency kits for needy individuals, conducted community emergency response exercises, and developed emergency plans for non-profit organizations. David makes an ongoing study of how best to prepare for and respond to various natural and man-made disasters, and his mission has been to help others “live Life SECURE” every day by preparing for what may come someday.